Gifts to the Future
December 2022
- “Pledge” to gift better [ GIFT ] Look for the Climate Pledge Friendly badge before you buy gifts (or supplies) this year
- Make Your Job a Climate Job [ FUND ] Skim 40+ things your work could do for climate & talk to a coworker about one
- SWITCH to Renewables [ DECK ] In less than 10 minutes, convert your home to renewable electricity through Arcadia
- Elect to Electrify Everything [ PLAN ] Take the Rewiring America pledge to electrify everything fossil fueled in your life
- Plan on Plants [ MOTIVATE ] Can you skip meat at one meal? Try meatless Mondays? Put more plants on your menus?
- Rent an EV [ GATHER ] Why not add an electric vehicle rental to your holiday travel plans?
- Buy Indigenous Food [ FEAST ] Put your grocery budget to work supporting those who support the climate
- Plan for Maple Syrup Day [12/17] [ GIFT ] Gift tender wild rice pancakes (mix) + maple syrup from Sweetgrass Trading
- Where You Bank is What You Build [ FUND ] Find a better bank for your money on this Sustainable Banking website
- Get INDUCTED! Future-Friendly Cooking [ DECK ] Portable induction cooktops help u stop burning methane indoors
- Ask for Help Electrifying [ PLAN ] Check if your address can get help electrifying everything at these links
- Meatless Monday: Read Some Recipes? [ MOTIVATE ] Read these and consider adding a holiday vegetarian dish
- Go Public [ GATHER ] whatever your holiday plans, can you work public transit or carpooling into just one trip?
- Celebrate Salmon [ FEAST ] Support Quinault Nation: buy sustainably caught wild salmon direct from Quinault Pride
- #BookGifts + Gift Guides [ GIFT ] Try the #BookGifts and reading holiday tradition with this climate books gift guide
- Insure the Future [ FUND ] Switch your insurance to a company that won’t insure or invest in fossil fuels
- What are You “Wiping” Out? [ DECK ] Wipe on, but don’t wipe out the forests that wipe away carbon
- Let’s Talk Light [ PLAN ] Happy Hanukkah! Try LED bulbs for 90% more efficient, 30x longer lasting light
- Take it Easy [ MOTIVATE ] Throttle back – sometimes the best thing you can do for the future is… less
- Recycle Right [ GATHER ] Help guests – take a moment to re-read your local recycling rules, and SHOP RECYCLED
- Order Oysters [ FEAST ] Clean water and protect coastlines: order this climate friendly protein for the holidays today
- Gift Cardless “Cards” [ GIFT ] Last minute, thoughtfully delivered gift “card” ideas… without the plastic card
- [Fossil] Free Your Funds [ FUND ] “Your retirement plan may fuel the climate crisis but it doesn’t have to” -As You Sow
- Stop Making Methane [ DECK ] Hard truth? Your food waste creates your own personal stream of methane
- Dream a Little Dream EV [ PLAN ] Take just a few moments today to imagine your dream EV
- Ask a Question [ MOTIVATE ] What’s your #GiftsToTheFuture question?
- Bike or Hike [ GATHER ] Gather holiday guests or friends for a walk, a bike ride, or to hit the trails nearby
- Future of Feasting [ FEAST ] Swap eating (eg) meat everyday for occasional “very best of its kind” splurges instead
- Bring a Better Bottle [ GIFT ] This New Year’s bring a bottle of cheer that goes easier on the future
- Fund Your Future? [ FUND ] Consider climate risk and climate opportunity in your investment planning
- RESOLVE to Keep it Light [ DECK ] Do something light today, and resolve to build up to the harder stuff over time.
How you earn, spend, save, and invest can grow climate solutions faster. Let’s work on it together?

This December, take one tiny step daily to get ready for the holidays AND make the future better for all.
Tips are organized into 7 themes, one for each day of the week:
- [ MOTIVATE ] Our Monday tips are extra easy to get and keep you motivated
- [ GATHER ] Tuesdays we’ll talk travel and hosting to gather your loved ones
- [ FEAST ] Let’s swing by the kitchen on Wednesdays with simple ways food can make tomorrow better
- [ GIFT ] Thursday’s theme is wonderful gift ideas
- [ FUND ] On Fridays we’ll talk about some smart money moves you should look into
- [ DECK ] (the halls) Saturdays are all about getting your place ready for the holidays
- [ PLAN ] The changes we all need take time and money, so Sundays are for those first planning baby steps
Are you ready?
We can’t wait to share this journey with you. Please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook to like, comment, and share this very special end-of-year countdown together.

Bring your loved ones together this holiday season to give #GiftsToTheFuture. Each day on the way to welcoming the new year, we’ll share a little something you can do to help make it (and many years that follow) better for those you love.
How you earn, spend, save, and invest can grow climate solutions faster. Let’s work on it together?

Laura Fitton, Founder
I founded to explain and evangelize market-driven shifts that can bring speed and scale to the climate fight.
My approach merges my environmental science and policy degree with my expertise as a tech CEO/Founder, growth executive, author, speaker, and recognized trailblazer.
My research on environment and justice is published in Science and by the Center for Policy Alternatives, and I've spoken at Harvard Business School, MIT Sloan, and a great many conferences.