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Gifts to the Future
#GiftsToTheFuture: Bring your loved ones together this holiday season to give #GiftsToTheFuture. Each day on the way to welcoming the new year, we'll share a little something you can do to help make it (and many years that follow) better for those you love. Gifts to...
Where You Bank is What You Build II
It's been more than 3 years since we published Where You Bank is What You Build, and there are a lot more great options for decarbonizing your money. Here are a few: Bank for Good Ask Sustainable Marilyn Waite's Sustainable Banking website CFPB's What is the best way...
Day 31 | RESOLVE to Keep it Light
Gifts to the Future Planning for the future can get heavy. Keep it light. (Treat yourself to festive LED or solar lights and a timer on holiday clearance?) Seriously though, to stick with all the things we all need to do for our collective futures, we all need...
Day 30 | Fund Your Future?
Gifts to the Future As climate issues worsen, and as more solutions are deployed and scaled up, the climate economy will become mainstream. Across the climate economy, all business models and industries will shift to varying extents. You can choose to factor both...
Day 29 | Bring a Better Bottle
Gifts to the Future Happy Day 4 of Kwanzaa! Whether you're celebrating that or getting ready for New Year's - what's a great gift? A bottle of cheer, of course! Bring along or buy a bottle that goes easier on the future. While the alcohol industry accounts for 1.5% of...
Day 28 | Feast for the Future
Gifts to the Future About a third of greenhouse gas emissions are tied to food. We need safer ways to produce, distribute, store, and dispose of food waste in order to ensure a better future for all. Non-animal sources of meat, dairy, and other proteins will help, but...
Day 27 | Bike or Hike
Gifts to the Future Gather up your holiday guests or reach out to some friends for a walk, a bike ride, or to hit the trails nearby. GATHER | Tuesday travel and hosting tips to gather your loved ones | #GiftsToTheFuture - tiny holiday tips to give a better future to...
Day 26 | Ask a Question
Gifts to the Future What’s your #GiftsToTheFuture question? MOTIVATE | Our Monday tips are extra easy to get and keep you motivated #GiftsToTheFuture - tiny holiday tips to give a better future to allBring your loved ones together this holiday season to give...
Day 25 | Dream a Little Dream EV
Gifts to the Future Dream a Little Dream EV I don't know when you'll get your first (or next) electric vehicle. I do know it's fast becoming "when?" not "if?" Take just a few moments today to imagine your dream EV. What models are already available? What's coming up...
Day 24 | Stop Making Methane
Gifts to the Future The hard truth is that food waste means you personally make your own steady supply of methane. The food we waste decomposes into a steady stream of methane. Methane is - intensely - much worse for climate than CO2, Wasting less food reduces how...
Day 23 | [Fossil] Free Your Funds
Gifts to the Future "Your retirement plan may be fueling the climate crisis. But it doesn't have to." - As You Sow If you're lucky enough to have a 401(k), IRA, 529 or other investments, you probably invest in fossil fuels. Don't like what that means in terms of risk...
Day 22 | Gift Cardless “Cards”
Gifts to the Future Whatever you're celebrating, it's officially last minute. But, do not panic. A thoughtfully delivered gift "card" can be wonderful. Just, do everyone a favor and skip the plastic card part. Cardless Gift Carding Alternatives Buy, print out, and...
Day 21 | Order Oysters
Gifts to the Future Oysters clean water and protect coastlines. Their shells help stabilize the ocean's carbon cycle. They're a delicious delicacy and one of the most climate friendly proteins you can eat. Order oysters for your holiday table today. Ideally, find a...
Day 20 | Recycle Right
Gifts to the Future Recycling rules vary - get ready to help holiday guests recycle right in a few easy steps: Take a moment to look up and read your local info Follow this guide no matter where you are Buy less plastic to begin with - it's not well recycled Buy...
Day 19 | Take it Easy
Gifts to the Future Throttle back - sometimes the best thing you can do for the future is... less. When you drive, chill Go easier on BOTH pedals - smooth, gentle acceleration and as little braking as possible buys you more miles per gallon AND some zen in your day....
Day 18 | Let’s Talk Light
Gifts to the Future As the world starts celebrating Hanukkah a sundown, let's talk light. LED bulbs save money by consuming 90% less energy than regular incandescent ones. Since they last ~30 times as long, the bulbs also cost way less than regular ones (and save you...
Day 17 | What are You “Wiping” Out?
Gifts to the Future What are You "Wiping" Out? If your house is still full of paper products that wipe out forests, let's talk. Every tree we leave alone wipes CO2 out of the sky for a living. No fancy machines needed. No effort. Just, let them do their thing. Paper...
Day 16 | Insure the Future
Gifts to the Future You spend your hard earned money on insurance, but what does your insurance company spend it on? Much like your bank, your insurance company takes your money (insurance premiums you pay them) and uses it to do a lot else in the world. It pays to...
Day 15 | #BookGifts + Gift Guides
Gifts to the Future Have you tried the #BookGifts and read together holiday tradition yet? We started once my kids were old enough to say up late. Each person gets one book for one other, we open them Christmas Eve, and then we all read together by the fire. Cozy....
Day 14 | Celebrate Salmon
Gifts to the Future [ FEAST ] Sustainably wild caught Salmon - smoked, fresh, frozen, or canned - is a wonderful way to celebrate both the holidays and a better future with one purchase. Buying sustainably caught wild salmon direct from Quinault Pride greatly...
Day 13 | Go Public
Gifts to the Future [ GATHER ] | Shopping, traveling, enjoying time with friends and family - whatever your holiday plans, can you work public transportation into one trip? If there's no public transit where you live, how about a carpool?...
Day 12 | Meatless Monday: Read Some Recipes?
Gifts to the Future Since plants are the future-friendliest foods around, consider adding one of Saveur's 40 Best Vegetarian Holiday dishes to your menus? MOTIVATE | Our Monday tips are extra easy to get and keep you motivated #GiftsToTheFuture - tiny holiday tips to...
Day 11 | Ask for Help Electrifying Everything
Gifts to the Future [ PLAN ] | Electrifying everything in your life is important, but can take a lot of work and time. Luckily, a wave of companies are hard at work making the process easier for homeowners. TODAY you can: Ask QuitCarbon...
Day 10 | Get INDUCTED! Future-Friendly Cooking
Gifts to the Future For those with gas stoves, electrifying to an induction range is crucial and urgent for your safety and health. If replacing your gas stove range is out of reach, just $50-$150 buys a portable induction cooktop to start phasing out gas right now....
Day 9 | Where You Bank is What You Build
Gifts to the Future [ FUND ] | You can keep ALL of your money and still help fight the climate crisis by simply moving your accounts to a better bank. Here's where to find one: Bank for Good Ask Sustainable Marilyn Waite's Sustainable...
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